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It's so easy to criticize a person's body. We all make snap judgments and even assumptions about a person based on our first impression, and so much of that first impression is centered on looks and appearance. Are they too short or too tall? Is their hair ratty or combed? Do they slouch or stand at attention? Do they have a smiling demeanor or one that seems to indicate they are at war with everyone, including themselves? Are they big busted, reminding you of Jayne Mansfield or the Anna Nicole Smith? These rash decisions we make about our fellow man can inhibit a person's chance to succeed in society.
As a rule, I'm not personally that big on cosmetic surgery, but I do feel that sometimes people have a solid reason for making the choices that they do, especially with something like breast reduction surgery. Public scrutiny and health issues can all play a role in a woman making this very difficult decision. Oftentimes, the populace doesn't think about the fact that there are health issues for overly endowed women, but there are. Back pain and shoulder pain are the two most well known, along with the mental aspects of being ridiculed and gawked at much of the time.
MYA Make Yourself Amazing Cosmetic Surgery in the United Kingdom is one facility that offers this procedure as well as others. There's plenty of information on their website to help women decide if this is something for them. You can read about their surgeons, past experiences, and read patient stories. If this is an issue facing you, you want to make sure you have the best.
"There was nothing strange about your daddy, it was strange what your daddy had to deal with."
That's what Al Sharpton said today at the Michael Jackson memorial. There's a lot of truth in that statement. The memorial was well done, respectful and upbeat at times. There were lots of tears.
As for what I didn't like:
- Bernice King and her lime 'look at me' outfit;
- Mariah Carey and her totally inappropriate exposed outfit (she didn't know where she was going?);
- Smokey Robinson just standing like a statue during the Heal the World number at the end.
As for what I did like:- Jermaine Jackson's rendition of Smile for his brother;
- Jennifer Hudson's wow-ful and soaring vocals;
- Stevie Wonder's touching tribute;
- The We Are the World/Heal the World number at the end, featuring Judith Hill, who was going to be a backup singer on the This is It tour.
That said, there were two standouts. Brooke Shields' comments leading into Jermaine's number were the most real and touching. I remember all the stuff in the tabloids about Brooke and Michael, so it was easy for me to understand all that she talked about.The most important point was made at the very end, in an unscripted moment, by Paris Jackson, age 11. What she did was humanize her father. She called him 'Daddy' and said, "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine; and I just wanted to say I love him ... so much." In tears, she turned into her Aunt Janet and she wrote history. In one minute, Michael Jackson gained a new face, that of fatherhood that everyone can understand. He was that little girl's father, and she was in pain over his passing. Who didn't shed a tear at that moment.Paris Jackson will carry on the legacy in one way or another.
On behalf of my two babies, Cassie and Tessa, I'm happy to let my readers know about this great new website that I discovered just this afternoon. As an animal lover, I truly appreciate sites like this one. The American Animal Care Center is a blog that discusses animals and animal news, with an emphasis on dogs and cats.
The first thing I noticed about the site was their post from July 3, which gave some interesting historical information, but which also reminded pet owners to take care during the celebrations occurring over the American Independence Day. With all that is going on around us, sometimes people don't stop and consider how their beloved animals will respond to loud noises and sights. It was a timely post, and I liked reading about that.
American Animal Care Center photos are bound to be great, judging from the one that was put up when the blog began. It made me laugh. I hope they do more like that as they grow, and I do plan to continue to keep taps on this site.
Stay in touch with the latest by following American Animal Care Center in news. It's truly a place for the animals to be loved and take center stage. My girls give it four paws up!