Anyone watch The Commish? I just got the set on DVD and one disk is really wacky. I called the manufacturing and they sent me a replacement, and surprised me with the complete set Renegade with Lorenzo Lamas. I've only seen a few of those shows, so that will be new television. I thought it was super nice of them to do that, too.
I really need to clean my kitchen floor. It's vinyl so not all that difficult. It's showing signs of its wear, though. Laminate flooring is curious to me. I wonder how that would be. I just always want whatever is the easiest to clean. That's my #1 buying concern with most anything.
I watched a couple of Michael Shanks movies on TV over the last couple of days. Desperate Escape and Judicial Discretion were both on. He's a bum in both of them. Well, not a bum, but not pure, either.
Onward onto the next!