Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cooking and Swayze

Welcome to another Wednesday, and that means halfway through the big work week. For me, it's been a little different. September 14th was the one year passing of Patrick Swayze. I'd met him several times, and he was such a nice, fun man. I miss him, and it's just hard to believe that he isn't still out there making movies.

So, deep breath, and on we go to other things. I've been watching the new Home segment on the Hallmark Channel. This is daytime block of roughly three hours that will be expanding in January. Right now, it's begun with Martha Stewart's show, then some ridiculous talk show by these two thirty-something women who annoy me greatly, and then it has a couple of cooking shows, but the best one is called Mad Hungry, featuring a woman named Lucinda.

I love Lucinda. She's the most likable cooking host I've seen, though I must admit to not really being a fan of cooking shows. However, I have gotten more experimental over the last couple of years, and I am learning some things from her. That says a lot.

Of course, the more involved in cooking like some of these chefs we see on TV, the more complex the shopping becomes, rather you're buying ingredients or equipment, online or in retail stores. For me, I like quick and easy, minimal prep time, and little or no cleanup, and that is not easy to find.

Lucinda cooked up two dishes today that I really think I'm going to try at some point, and that's hard to believe for me. One was an egg/bacon/cheese breakfast sandwich that has a twist to it that her son added and the other is a spaghetti carbonara, and I adore spaghetti.

So, who knows. Maybe I'll tune in some more. She's been the spark of midday for me this week.

That's it for now. Remember Patrick and donate to Stand Up 2 Cancer or the Pancreatic Cancer Network. Patrick's widow, Lisa Niemi, is now an official spokesperson for them.
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