There was the death of Senator Ted Kennedy, ending an era that won't ever be repeated. I watched the wake last night, and I just laughed and laughed at the stories. Then today was the funeral, and again, there were wonderful stories. The only thing that bothers me are the CNN reporters practically chastising President Obama for not making his eulogy a rallying cry for health reform. It's a funeral, people, get a grip.
I loved that Joan Kennedy was in attendance, as were several past Presidents -- Clinton, Bush, and Carter. All of them seated right there with the Obamas.
The one thing I really came away with from the wake and funeral is that the belief that you can do anything is the strongest ally you can have in achieving your goals. Story after story was told of Ted telling his children, nephews, and nieces about how they needed to believe in themselves and then just try their best. That's a legacy passed on from Joseph Kennedy to his children, and now the next generation has to take hold of it and move forward.
I've spent the last two days watching so much of the Jaycee Lee Dugard story. It's so hard to think that this 11 year old kidnapped girl was brought to a backyard and kept there for 18 years, where she was raped and mothered two children. From what her stepfather has said, Jaycee is a victim of Stockholm Syndrome, meaning she feels a bond with her captors. Now she has guilt about that. Jaycee and her children, who have no clue what a normal life is, will need a lot of therapy, love, and understanding for a very long time. Their transition will no doubt be difficult, but I hope Jaycee realizes how many people have never forgotten her.
As for the police, I applaud Sheriff Rupf who has admitted and apologized that his team dropped the ball back in November 2006. They responded to a 911 phone call but didn't do a background check. He has stepped forward to say they made a mistake, and I appreciate him owning up to their faux pas. However, the man in charge of the Corrections Department, the ones who have had the kidnappers as their parolee was full of excuses. He accepted no blame, no fault, no remorse, no nothing that his parole officers had failed to unearth Jaycee's presence at the home. He needs to be fired. He's just trying to cover his tail, and if he doesn't think he should at least acknowledge their lack of depth, then he's the wrong man for the job.
Then finally last night the Discovery lifted off after several delays during the week. It was a perfect blastoff with no problems whatsoever. It was at night, and it was beautiful. The shuttle program is approaching its end, but I really hope that the next phase does happen and that we return to the moon. There's so much more to be done.
Space exploration is intriguing and fascinating. I felt a strange extra connection to it last night, since I was so in Kennedy mode. After all, it was President John F. Kennedy who issued the mandate for the United States to reach unheard of heights in the space program.
Lastly, yesterday the Los Angeles coroner proclaimed the death of pop icon Michael Jackson a homicide, further clearing the way for charges to be filed against the doctor who gave him the drugs the day he died. I'm all for it. These doctors need to be stopped. This so-called physician gave the last drug to Jackson simply because Jackson kept demanding it. In other words, instead of following his medical common sense, the man was only concerned for his financial well being. He didn't want to be canned, so he gave Jackson a drug he knew he shouldn't have. This man needs to go to jail. He committed a murder, and he knew it.
What a week. So much news and so many emotions.