I was just surprised when I heard it was in foreclosure. I remember when a younger woman owned it and was quite happy there. I'm not sure if she's the one who lost it to foreclosure or not.
The home mortgage business is still a nasty mess. I wonder how long it's going to take us to get healthy where having a roof over our heads is concerned. I feel very lucky to have the security I do.
Many of my friends live in apartments. Maybe that's the way to go, to live somewhere where foreclosure will never enter into the equation.
All I really know is that we live in a great country. Even with our flaws, we are a symbol and hope for all that is good. We'll get it together. I don't know how it will take, but the tide will turn.
In the meantime, I hope we can all pull together and help one another. No one in America should live without a roof above them and hot food in their stomachs.