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I have to tell you that as much as I was pleased to see Jennifer Grey move to the finals of Dancing with the Stars, that I was also shocked and dismayed to see Brandy voted off. Sarah Palin's covert mission to get her daughter to victory is a sad state of affairs.
Look, I think Bristol has come a long, long way. She's a ton better than when she started, but she is not better than the others in the top 3 nor is she better than some of those already voted off. She's been in the bottom 2 for something like 7 weeks. That says something.
Mama Palin isn't doing her daughter a favor, either. This is a real travesty. I don't blame Bristol except that I think she is starting to buy into the trash that she is being given from Mom and dancing pro, Mark Ballas. It's enough to make you wonder if something is going on between the dancing team besides dancing.
Brandy deserved to be in the finals, along with Jen. It should have been those two battling it out. Instead, it very well could be a joke, and if Bristol wins, it is a joke.
On another subject, one of my favorite websites just launched a new logo for their home base. It just really drives home how important logos are to company identity. When you're online, it's even more impressive if the logo changes to match holidays and such.
A logo is like a big billboard. Do it right, and travelers will seek you out. Do it right, there's always the guy down the road.
Finally, my contact dermatitis is still hanging on a bit. The swelling is pretty much down, but my hand is still a nice deep pink shade, and I have to say that it itches like heck sometimes. Now I think I have a tooth about to explode in achy breaking style, too. When it hits, it hits.
Until next time!
It's Monday and it was an incredibly pleasant day -- mid to high seventies in this part of the world and not far away, it was even low 80's. Unreal weather!
The result was a nice, bright house, which is always good. I wish I could figure out a way to light my living room. The place has never had any overhead lighting, and lamps just aren't feasible. Track lighting would be ugly, but I've always wanted something better.
Right now, I have a floor lamp by one chair that does some good, but that still leaves the rest of the room with deplorable lighting conditions.
Maybe one of these days I'll get to a store somewhere and be able to find some decent lighting. Any suggestions out there? Of course, my budget is just about zilch, so that puts a damper on doing much of anything.
By the way, for Michael Shanks fans, he has several things popping up on TV in the next few weeks. Take a look at my post over at DTV about it. I'm quite excited.
Be back with more later!
It's 4 a.m. and all is well. I may be tired, but I don't seem to be falling asleep, so here I am, typing away on my desktop computer. What would life be like without computers?
It's hard to believe that we now have a generation of kids who don't have a clue what life was like without computers. This must be how adults felt at the turn of the century as new contraptions like phones and cars became a staple of everyday life.
I remember well my first computer, purchased long before the Internet was active like we know it today. There was access, though, to databases and such. I recall paying for a couple of services back when I had my Kaypro. Anyone remember Kaypro? That thing rocked for its day.
Now we laptops, notebooks, and netbooks. Tablet computers are the newest thing. I see those advertised and can't help but wonder if they are as cool as they look.
Then there's the future. Who knows what it will hold!
I've just finished watching the results show for Dancing with the Stars. Bristol Palin was saved again. Look, there is no way that on her own she has that kind of fan base. This is all her mother, and I don't buy Bristol's innocent act that she has no clue what is going on. If she really thinks that way, she has one very huge ego.
Donny Osmond had one of the best organized 'vote for me' when he was on, and that came from 50 years of performing. Bristol had a baby while unwed. That's her claim to fame. This is all Sarah Palin's doing, and she's lying if she denies it.
That's my two cents on it. Bristol should have been gone at least 4 weeks ago.
On the NASCAR front, I was glad to see that Kyle Busch was fined for giving the finger to a NASCAR official. While I didn't buy his average apology after the race, his statement since then seemed more sincere.
I was also glad to see that the Jeff Gordon and Jeff Burton fight didn't rank a comment, penalty wise. Have at it, boys!
I had a phone call from someone wanting to know if I wanted to invest in gold. Uh, sure. One problem: I need the money to invest with. That was my chuckle of the day.
That's it for this check in. Come back soon!
My contact dermatitis is better, but still there. I can't describe to everyone just how nasty this has been. My right hand especially has been effected. It ballooned so much. I was so scared I went to urgent care, even though I don't have any health insurance. Fortunately, the medication has taken the swelling down significantly.
For a while, I couldn't even type. The hand is still bigger, but I can make a fist again and type much easier than for the last couple of weeks. It's still a bit red. I actually called the facility today to check with them about it. They say it's normal and to keep monitoring, so as long as it's getting better, that's good. If it doesn't get back to normal in another week or so, I may have to go back.
Insurance is such a hot topic again now, especially after the recent elections. I'm not sure anyone knows what will happen.
Of course, along with health insurance, we have auto, home, life, boat, umbrellas ... wow, the list goes on. Every where we turn there is a place to check out.
I used to work in insurance so I know all about the peace of mind that comes with it and the reasons for having it. Still, sometimes it isn't easy to get and even if you can, there's a price tag.
That's it for this post. Keep on the look out for more. I'm in a typing mood after having been contained for a couple of weeks with that swollen hand!
I'm really curious about something and I haven't had time to research it, so maybe someone knows the answer. For years, I've been dealing with a super hot portion of my house. Most of my readers know about the turmoil that has presented. Well, slowly, I've done things to help it get to a tolerable level. Actually, this summer I purchased a whole house fan and that thing is terrific!
Still, I know there is more I can do, but my question is about shutters and other window coverings. I know that shutters and blinds etc. are made to keep out light. The room darkening ones help keep the sun's rays out, but are any of these made to repel the heat at all? I'm just curious if there is something out there that I could put up that might make my situation even better.
Summer is over, of course, but it'll be back soon enough, so it's never a wrong time to think about this.
If anyone knows the answer, please let me know.
I'm back for more ramblings!
My mother loved grandfather clocks and she always wanted one. Unfortunately, we never were able to get one, but I think they are cool, too.
I recall an episode of The Twilight Zone with Ed Wynn that featured one, and that intrigued me. NASCAR has a race that gives away a grandfather clock for winning, too. That's at Martinsville.
Who knows what the future holds. In the meantime, I can surf around and 'cyber' shop.
Speaking of time, did everyone remember to fall back an hour with their clocks over the weekend? I've known people to forget for days. Actually, I still have two clocks to change. Time. It all takes time!
It's been an eventful couple of days. I was really surprised by the NASCAR Texas race on Sunday. It was full of surprises and excitement, only a lot of was off the track, like Kyle Busch giving the NASCAR officials the finger and Jeff Gordon pushing back Jeff Burton after crashing out.
On another topic, anyone watching Dr. Phil? I'm beginning to question the topics of the shows. I just feel like there's been a lot of 'drama' without resolution. It almost seems like it's becoming a soap opera.
Have a great day and I'll chat with you again soon!
Happy Weekend! It's still beautiful out where I am, but they say the rain is coming. Bah humbug! Let the pleasantness continue.
I wanted to take a few moments today to remind folks to check out my ramblings and reviews and such over on Bukisa. I've been writing there off and on for a while, but I'm placing a new emphasis on it now. There you can read my movie and TV reviews, my reactions to products I try, and, much like you do here on my blog, my opinions and responses to current events.
For example, some of my recent additions to Bukisa include:
**Why Buying Store Brands Can be a Smart Move
**$140 million Ways to Lose an Election
**How to Make Decorated Pine Cones
**Sacramento Mayor Shows Arrogance
**Stargate SG-1: Thor's Hammer
**The Actors of Alias Smith and Jones
**The Beast - pilot
Please drop on by and help me out by supporting my writing on Bukisa. It does help.
Also, writing for Bukisa is terrific and easy to do. If you'd like to try it, please use my referral link and write away. That helps me out, too! Just click on the link and check it out:

Who'd believe it? I have to chuckle. Like I said recently, I've had some amazingly nice things happen over the last month, and then I've also had some crappy stuff happen. For example, my compact refrigerator died, and I can't afford to replace that. I figured out workarounds and just decided I had to get use to not having this convenient appliance. Besides, the important thing is that my main refrigerator in the kitchen is still working beautifully.
Okay, so I'm a night owl and in the middle of the night I decided to microwave a Deli creation sandwich. Oh my goodness. You wouldn't believe the sound my microwave made. I thought it was going to blow up. So, now I'm without the microwave. It was a really nifty little microwave, a Westinghouse, that I got on sale a decade or so ago. So, it lasted a long time, but now it's gone, too. I am majorly bummed because I really need to replace it. Oh well. I'll just have to survive without.
Night is over and a new day is dawning. The sun is coming out, and it's supposed to be a nice day, temperature wise. That's exactly what I need.
Now it's time to move onward with the day. Goodbye microwave, hello ... well, who knows! The day is young!
The election craze is over, and I have to admit to being proud of California that they did not let Meg Whitman buy us for $140 million. Just think what good that money could have done. Warm meals, beds, shoes: how the homeless and needy could have benefited from these millions used for status and power. Like I said, regardless of who the opposition was, I am proud of my state for not being bought by this woman.
Right now, I have more greasy goop on my hands as I continue to deal with this contact dermatitis. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, especially when typing has to be done on my nails practically. Ugh.
I've been going through some things. I have so much junk it's ridiculous. I've had to go slowly, though, because of my hands. At any rate, I came across some business cards I forgot I had. I love business cards. They are great ways to remember places visited as well as for social and business networking.
It doesn't matter whether they are from plumbers, junk dealers, or action figure vendors, I keep cards for a very long time before tossing them. You just never know when you might need to contact one of those folks.
The dogs are sleeping, and I'm thinking it might be time for me to follow suit. Have a wonderful Wednesday all!
Wow, what a month plus. I've had some wonderful highs and some really nasty lows. It's been a bit of everything. After being sick for a couple of weeks plus, I recovered nicely only to end up with the nastiest case of contact dermatitis. It has been very painful at times and difficult to type.
In fact, it still isn't easy to type all the way. My hands were extremely swollen. I even went to the doctor which I just seldom do, but I was one scared puppy. Fortunately, the swelling is down, but my hands still have redness and they are very scaley and scabby, which really makes things difficult.
That said, it's time to try to get back out there before people think I've disappeared from life. I posted a bunch of new reviews over at Review Stream in between doing little hand exercises.
It's also election day. I voted via absentee ballot and have it all out of my head now. I can't tell you how tired I am of politics, especially all of those ridiculous flyers and negative commercials. Enough already. Can we get back to regular junk mail, please.
I've also been watching the news and seeing more recalls on everything from cars to baby strollers. Yikes -- that's not a good thing. It's not a condemnation of the equipment really, but it means parents, be sure. Test things out and never assume.
I'm enjoying the new re-think of Hawaii Five-0, so heartily recommend it if you haven't tried it out yet. I also enjoyed Outlaw and The Whole Truth, but sadly, they've been canceled. Oh, and if you haven't seen Jennifer Love Hewitt's goodbye video done a week or two ago on the about to the struck down set of Ghost Whisperer, check it out.
I hope not to be such a stranger, and I hope someone is reading out there! Happy November!