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It was shocking news yesterday when it was announced that the Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept reopened the investigation into the death of Natalie Wood. Wood died November 29, 1981, almost 30 years ago. A news conference on the subject just ended, and the man at the focus of the new investigation is the captain of the Splendour, the boat owned by Robert Wagner, Wood's husband.
This morning, I watched two interviews with Dennis Davern, the captain. On The Today Show, he was extremely evasive. On CNN, he was much more forthcoming. Also with him was the co-author of his book, Marti Rulli. What was extremely interesting to me was that Davern and Rulli both kept saying their push for this was not at all because of their book from 2009. Yet, they continually kept answering questions with "it's all in the book." Hmmm.
Davern admitted he lied to police 30 years ago. Okay, that's against the law. Let's see him get arrested for that.
Robert Wagner released a statement quickly saying he and his family support the investigation, but that they hoped the source for it was credible and not just out to cash in on the anniversary of Wood's death.
Hmmm: "It's all in the book."
I remember Wood's death vividly. I recall the news stories and the tabloid headlines. I remember well the scuttlebutt over the big fight between Wagner, Wood, and their guest on the boat, Christopher Walken. Walken has been like a zombie on the Wood death from the moment it happened. I have no clue what happened on the Splendour.
A combination of fact and conjecture says that the verbal fight was intense. Everyone had been drinking and was at the least, legally drunk. Nat was a little flirty, RJ was a little jealous. Walken was in the middle and probably enjoying the attention from the beautiful Wood. Walken went to bed and from there, who knows.
The death was ruled an accidental drowning. The debate is whether or not Wood really went to bed, was disturbed by the dingy banging against the boat, and went to tie it down and fell overboard. Or, was she attempting to leave the Splendour after all the fighting and fell in. Davern intimates that there is another 'or' in play.
I have not read his book in which all of this information is supposed to be, but in his interviews today, he asserted that it was a case of Wagner not doing all that he could. He stopped short of accusing him of murder.
No one really knows but Natalie and RJ. To me, it's just a huge tragedy. I don't know that there is anything to be gained by anything that is happening now. I have a hard time believing Wagner killed Wood, as some people do think (just read the book reviews over on Amazon). Davern insists Wood wouldn't have gone near the dingy at night because of her fear of dark water. I don't know. When people have been drinking, they aren't thinking right.
The Sheriff's Dept. says they are investigating, but that Wagner is not a suspect. They just want to talk to people to follow up on what they've learned. They may or may not go aboard the Splendour, now docked in Hawaii, and they may or may not exhume the body.
I think my biggest beef is with the uneducated media. Some of those asking questions don't even realize that Davern's book has been out for 2 years. Several of them, including some of the CNN reporters, are acting like it's a book just coming out. I noticed other discrepancies as well. It's frustrating because ten minutes on the internet could get them the real story. It's bad storytelling.
Right now, it's a tragic memory. I think they were all intoxicated, they fought, and everyone made bad choices. I firmly believe Wagner was devastated by the ordeal, and if his involvement was more than what we already know, it's a parasite that has probably eaten away at his insides for three decades.
I just want Natalie to rest in peace.
I wasn't sure that I'd like The Rosie Show, which is Rosie O'Donnell's return to the talk show genre. It airs on Oprah Winfrey's OWN network. While I don't like some of the obligatory in-house guest appearances which are really designed to promote other OWN series, I have on the whole enjoyed watching Rosie again.
She grates a little from time to time, and I'm not fond of every guest, but I love the reality of the realism. Who else would take an audience guest who was unemployed and then hire them to be the show's announcer? Rosie did just that with a positive-thinking woman named Holly. I love that!
The reason for this post, however, is not really to promote Rosie's show, but rather her need to speak the truth as she sees it. Love her or hate her, she says what she thinks. Twice on Tuesday's show she said something like, "The legal department wants me to remind you that in this country, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty."
She did this because she then went on to discuss Jerry Sandusky's phone interview with Bob Costas on Monday evening's Rock Center news program with Brian Williams.
By the way, as an aside, I'm not fond of news shows as a rule, but I really do like the way Williams has put this show together. I'm watching it, and that surprises me.
If you watched Monday's show, you were probably as stunned as I was when Costas asked Sandusky if he was sexually attracted to young boys. You would think that a normal, innocent person would come out with a prompt and decisive 'no', but this man answered by stumbling, repeating the question, going around the bush and such. I was shocked. Any doubt about his guilt left my mind.
It left Rosie's, too. She timed it. It was a 16 second response. The point is, Rosie stated her opinion and really took issue with Sandusky's answer. She actually came right out and stated he was guilty, comparing him to a long ago situation in which a woman was raped and murdered in front of numerous witnesses.
Rosie is an opinionated woman. I don't always like how she acts. She's come a long way from when she was almost a fan herself more than a comedian and actress and things were lighter. Her opinions sometimes don't land well in my mind. However, on this issue, she and I agree.
Of course, in America, everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Somewhere, I have to wonder if Joe Paterno is going to think it was worth it not to do more than he did. His career just nosedived in a heartbeat as a result of all of this. Respect has been lost. That's sad, but it's even sadder what happened to those boys. Football is just a game: a game. Young boys are our precious future: vulnerable human beings who deserve to play a game like football without being raped by their coaches.
Go Rosie! Keep stating your mind. I may not always agree, but I applaud your courage and willingness to call it as you see it.
What a waste of taxpayer money. Several weeks ago, several Sacramentans were arrested for not leaving the park where the Occupy movement was set up. Quickly, the district attorney announced that they would not be trying any of these cases. Well, then the City attorney butted in and said she was going to prosecute.
Give me a break. How dumb and wasteful that sounded at the time, and guess what she announced today? Yes, you got it. None of the cases are going forward unless it's someone who has multiple arrests.
Now how much money has Sacramento wasted in these past weeks working on these dismissed cases?
Frankly, the city attorney needs to be dismissed for butting her nose in and not letting the district attorney to his job. It's such a joke.
Quite honestly, I believe that on the whole the governments of all the Occupy cities have overreacted. People just wanted to be heard. Now I do agree that with time they needed to go in and clean the parks or other Occupy areas, but that's what they do -- clean -- not threaten and arrest.
Dumb, dumb and dumber ... and the taxpayers are paying the price.
Okay, enough is enough already. I groaned when Christmas wrappings were brought out into stores in August and September. I cringed when Target announced it was opening its stores at midnight, just as soon as Thanksgiving was officially a done deal. I was only slightly surprised when Wal-Mart had to one-up their competitor by opening up at 10pm on Thursday and now? Well, now Toys R Us, the family store, takes away just about the entire evening with their announcement that they will be opening up at 9pm on Thursday.
Are buyers that anxious to give up Thanksgiving evening with their family and friends? Is the day now nothing more than a reason to watch football and belch over a full meal?
This is ridiculous. I'll bet money (and I'm not a gambler) that another retailer will up the ante, vowing to open up at 5pm. The next thing you know, there won't be a Thanksgiving.
I urge all of you not to fall into the trap. Stand up for Thanksgiving while it's still a day of gratitude and appreciation and not one of getting the kids into bed quickly so you can go bargain hunting. If no one shows up at 9, 10 and midnight, next year, the stores will keep Black Friday on Friday and not turn turkey day into Brown Thursday.
I just read that the talented Jonathan Jackson is leaving General Hospital for the second time. Jackson originated the role of Lucky Spencer, son of Luke and Laura (Tony Geary and Genie Francis), in 1993 and quickly became regarded as one of the best, if not the best, youth actors in the soap opera industry.
During that time, Jackson's character teamed up with the young Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst) and were an instant hit with fans.
Jackson left the role, replaced in time by Jacob Young, who did an admirable job in the acclaimed role, and then Greg Vaughn, who in my opinion was just so-so. When Jackson agreed to return to the show, I cheered. He wanted to work with Geary and Herbst again. That was 2009.
I still remember his first scene back. It was a clever "Remember me?" moment as he rang the doorbell and Herbst answered the door.
Unfortunately, the writers chose not to reunited the Lucky and Liz characters for the long haul. That's a mistake. Every show needs a Lucky and Liz that may go through difficulties, but who you always know will reunite. On Days of our Lives, for example, it's Bo and Hope, and on the recently canceled All My Children, it was Jesse and Angie.
Jackson has had some remarkable scenes with Geary, but the problem is that Geary is the diva of soapdom. He works an odd schedule. In fact, he's rarely seen during the summer at all. So, Jackson's opportunities to work with Geary have been constrained by Geary himself. As for pairing with Herbst, reportedly, he's pleaded his case to the GH producers and was ignored and voted down.
What a shame, especially when GH needs ratings. Jackson is also tired of the darkness. GH is all about thugs now. That's a shame, too. It has made the mob the focus; there is never justice. We are told to love the killers and mob leaders, simply because they are anti-drugs and prostitution.
I like Maurice Benard, who plays Sonny, the head of the mob, and Steve Burton is a talented actor. He play's Sonny's #2, Jason, who once really was a nice boy, but who then had an accident and turned into a thug. That was horrid, but it's now the staple and norm for GH.
Jackson's return was a chance to give fans some romance of the long lasting variety. He moved his family back to LA just to resume the part.
I was once a regular viewer of GH. I began acting decades ago, but in the last several years, I have lost interest. Jackson says he's tired of the darkness. So am I, and that's why I tune in only on rare occasions, like I did for Jackson's return, and why I would have for the never-to-happen Lucky and Liz reunion.
Shame on GH, for turning GH into a mobfest and for losing the talents of the wonderful Jonathan Jackson.
Jackson's last taping is scheduled for November 17 with his last scenes to air sometime in December.
More justice at last! Dr. Conrad Murray has just been convicted of involuntary manslaughter. It is about time that one of these doctors to the stars takes responsibility for their actions. It's shameful that the doctors of Elvis Presley and Anna Nicole Smith, just to name two notables, got away with their greedy roles in giving them medications.
Regardless, physicians need to put their greed second to the welfare of their patients. Murray didn't do that. As a result, his actions contributed to the death of Michael Jackson.
Justice, in some measure, has been done.
I have been waiting for this for years. Since I returned to watching NASCAR circa 2005, I have been irritated by Kyle Busch, the younger brother of Kurt Busch. At the time, he was part of Hendrick Motorsports, and that made me cringe. The two worst teammates for my favorite, Jeff Gordon, have been Busch and Jimmie Johnson. Both are extremely self-serving and rationalize everything away. I watched Jeff help them and get the door slammed in his face over and over again.
Finally, Hendrick had an opportunity to expunge Busch from their presence. He landed at Joe Gibbs Racing where the religious Joe Gibbs has vowed to rein in the young driver, much as Roger Penske has done for the still vocal, but now more sensible, Kurt Busch.
The elder and arrogant Busch found himself in hot water after getting arrested and being rude, shall we say, to the Phoenix Police Department. His then car owner, Jack Roush, parked him. Between that and Penske's subtle guidance, and also with a nod to marriage, Kurt Busch has become much more likable. He's no saint and he's strongly vocal, not all in good ways, but his demeanor has changed significantly. He learned, and he's tried to teach Kyle, but the younger Busch is still leaning towards arrogance, even though he's now married as well.
Kyle Busch has claimed to be a different person now, but in the truck race Friday night, he and Ron Hornaday had a minor skirmish. Kyle totally blamed Hornaday. I was watching the incident as it happened. It was a 3-wide situation with Hornaday in the middle. He was a bit of a ping pong ball, and he was definitely loose when he and Kyle had contacted.
Here's the thing. Neither truck was all that damaged. A pit stop, and both could have gone on and finished well, perhaps even winning the race. However, with the yellow flag out, Kyle intentionally rammed Hornaday into the wall. Hornaday's truck bounced around in Kyle's, taking out both trucks.
NASCAR immediately parked Kyle's truck for the race and ordered him to the hauler after the race. They repeated that command for this morning and included the Gibbs' contingent. Then Mike Helton made the announcement: Kyle Busch would be parked for both the Nationwide race today and the Sprint Cup race on Sunday.
Well, it's about time! Like I said, I've been watching Busch's one-sided antics for years. No one denies he's a great driver; his record shows that. However, he lacks maturity and sensitivity. In short, he's a jerk, and what happened in the race proves that he has not changed a bit.
NASCAR's "have at it, boys" policy has been beneficial, but this time, Kyle crossed the line so much that the governing body had to act, and they did. More penalties may follow, and more bad things may occur for the still-arrogant Kyle Busch. After all, I've always wondered why child-friendly M&M's would want to sponsor someone like Kyle.
Who knows? Maybe now, they won't!
Regardless, this feels like sweet justice, long overdue. It took years, but finally, NASCAR responded.
Have a nice weekend, Kyle, as you watch the races at home!
On Tuesday, October 18, the wonderful Patrick Swayze was immortalized in wax at the famous Madame Tussauds in Hollywood, California. I'd love to see it in person because the likeness is incredible. He'd be impressed, just as his widow, Lisa Niemi Swayze, is with the recreation. The image is taken from the Dirty Dancing scene in which Swayze's Johnny Castle character balances across that narrow log.

This site has three terrific videos on the event and I recommend watching all three.
Where I live, there is an Occupy movement. What bothered me about them initially is that they didn't seem to have a focus. When interviewed by local media, most people couldn't even express why they were protesting.
Still, the very foundation of America is protest. Englishmen protested excessive taxation and overseeing by a faraway government. Hence, 1776 and all that has followed.
Part of me is all for it. Corporations do have too much control. It's too much about greed, and the banking industry is a perfect example of that.
I also believe we have more power than we think. The problem is that we don't want to sacrifice. Seriously, if everyone withdrew their accounts from Bank of America and Chase, for example, those fees would stop. They'd get the message, but the reality is, not enough of us are willing to do so, for one reason or another.
What bothers me now in my city is that in these troubled financial times where the D.A. has already gone on record and said that they couldn't afford to prosecute all the crimes anymore, they are making arrests for people who refuse to leave the park where the Occupy protesters are assembling.
Now, I don't have a problem really with the arrests for after hours, but the thousands and thousands of dollars to prosecute these people just is not warranted. Keep the park safe: I'm for that, but when we don't have the manpower to keep homes safe from intruders and prostitutes are working without having to worry about being arrested, something is wrong.
The city needs to back off. Do their job in keeping that park and the surrounding area safe, but don't go overboard. Oakland went overboard last night and it almost turned into a riot. People were injured and who knows how many of thousands of dollars were spent.
This is the problem with government. Protect us, but don't do it for the sake of showing us your there.
It's a waste of money at a time when there is no money to be wasted. Worse here, after the D.A. announced here they would not be prosecuting those arrested, some overzealous, power hungry, publicity seeking city manager said they would overrule the D.A. and prosecute. Since all of these people have said they want jury trials if prosecuted, the dollars are already beyond wasteful, it's insane.
Someone needs to do something.
Common sense needs to prevail.
Here's hoping the Occupy protests help us all to realize the power we have and the peaceful ways we can affect change.
I'm a huge NASCAR fan, and one of the things I am so glad about is how they've changed the stock cars and race tracks since the death of Dale Earnhardt Sr. in 2001. Wrecks occur far less often than ever now, and when they do, it is amazing at how these drivers just walk away, mostly unscathed by it all.
I watch Formula One and Indy Car much less frequently, mainly because the F1 races are unexciting and Indy Car just hasn't caught my fancy as much. One thing I don't like about either open wheel series, though, is the tremendous danger the drivers face. These cars just fall apart when in a wreck. There's no protection for the driver.
We saw that again today, just a couple of hours ago, when on the 12th lap of the last Indy Car race of the season, driver Dan Wheldon was killed in front of our eyes. In a wreck that devoured some 15 cars, his was one of at least two that went flying through the air and into the catch-can fence. The cockpit was the part of the car that hit that fence.
The race was canceled, and the remaining 19 drivers just did a 5 lap salute to their friend and competitor. In a race that was to decide the season champion, focus on the final Indy Car race of Danica Patrick who is switching to NASCAR full time in 2012, and also celebrate the potential of Wheldon winning $5 million as well as one million for a fan, it all ended tragically with a reminder that racing is deathly serious and dangerous.
It's a sad day and racing fans join family and friends to mourn the loss of Dan Wheldon.
The checkered flag is out.
After being gone for several months, Amazon is back for those of us in California. So, I am happy to say that if you would like to support me that if you click on the banner on the top right of this page and place an order at Amazon, it will definitely help me out!
Thanks for reading!
For me, on the west coast, the competition for Miss Universe is still airing, but I've been bothered by something all night long. Why is it that the camera knows just where to go? From the announcement of the first 15 to the next 10 and just now with the final 5, it has known exactly where to go to get the reaction of the contestant. The cameraman obviously knows where to point that camera. I have never in decades of pageant watching seen that before, and it begs the question: Is Miss Universe Fixed?
Athlete ... Ballet Dancer ... Broadway Performer ... Actor ... Dancer ... Singer ... Equestrian ... Environmentalist ... Son ... Brother ... Husband ... Uncle ... Mentor ... Friend
The world is full of labels and the above are a few that apply to Patrick Swayze, who would have been 59 on August 18, 2011. The man was a dichotomy, something he once admitted to being himself during a TV interview with Maria Shriver. For me, that was a big part of his charm. He was the tough guy with a tender heart. He was the protector who could cry as well. In truth, you can't label Patrick, except for this one thing: human being.
His death in 2009 is still extremely painful for his family, friends, and fans. He fought so gallantly against his foe, pancreatic cancer. He gave it all he had, until there just wasn't anything left anymore. Then he passed into a place of peace, where the man who had suffered much pain on Earth is surely feeling more blessedness and freedom than ever. He's there, riding his beloved Tammen, with Cody, his faithful canine friend, trailing along his side.
On this birthday, though, it is his life that we should celebrate. He left behind a legacy of strong film roles in a variety of styles. No, they aren't all my favorites, but Patrick's choices were as diverse as anyone's. It supports the dichotomy within him. A roller skating bully, a teenage greaser, a young Marine, a Civil War general, a dirty dancer, a ghost, a surfer thief, a suicidal doctor, a legendary cowboy, a drag queen, a country bumpkin, a pained dancer, a spy, a sex-addicted golfer, a father, a lawyer, a cop ... and the list goes on, including an animated dog singer.
There are so many wonderful performances. He left us so much to remember him by. There should have been more, many more, but I am grateful for my favorites, especially North and South, City of Joy, and One Last Dance, and even those that aren't at the top of my list, because all of them are a piece of Patrick.
Patrick is in our hearts today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and all the tomorrows after that. He will never be forgotten. My hope for his birthday is that all of us take a moment to remember the love and joy that he gave to us. If you can, watch one of his movies, or listen to his music, or read a chapter of his book, or just close your eyes for a few minutes and remember the man, the actor, and the friend.
Happy Birthday, Patrick!
This really pops my cork. I was watching some of the NASCAR coverage today and heard Hermie Sadler, a C-rate driver in the sport, say that the media and fans were making too much of Kyle Busch's citation in Charlotte, North Carolina this past week. The man, who is one of the most successful racers in the past few years, was pulled over and cited for driving 128 mph in a 45 mph area. According to Sadler, Busch's apology and the good graces that allowed no one to be hurt in this incident should be enough. We should move on and discuss other things.
In my view, Sadler is crocked. Kyle Busch is a role model, whether or not he wants to be one. He is the spokesman for products like M&M's, and he was driving a vehicle that wasn't even his. Lexus apparently lent it to him, no doubt in hopes for some endorsement or favor.
The fact that no one was hurt was a blessing, not an excuse to let Busch off the hook. He could just as easily had hit and murdered someone from his overzealous attitude to see how the car would handle. And what about his wife, Samantha? I heard she was in the car as well. Doesn't she have any common sense either? Or is she just as crazy as he is?
Sadler is dead wrong. This needs to be talked about, and Kyle Busch needs to be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible. He needs to remember this. Maybe it could do him some good, but I doubt it.
Oddly, several years ago, his older brother, Kurt Busch, was just as arrogant as Kyle, and it was a run-in with law enforcement and being set down (as in not allowed to race) by his then team owner, Jack Roush, that finally put a dent in Kurt's honor. He had a wake up call. He got married, and he reformed. No, he's not Mr. Perfect. He still has rough edges, but that's okay: that's personality. Kurt lost the ego and attitude. Kyle still has it, and unfortunately, this incident probably won't do anything to change. He practiced today so obviously current team owner, Joe Gibbs, isn't going to take the Roush route, and Kyle probably will lawyer up and talk his way out of losing his NC license.
So, unless the media and fans continue to remind Kyle that while he may be a good driver on the track that he does not have license to risk our lives on the road. As for Sadler, he just proved that he's not a role model either. In fact, Denny Hamlin, also a Gibbs' driver, was also lent one of the vehicles. He admitted to going 10 mph over the speed limit, which probably means at least twice that. He, of course, also said it's no big deal.
Sad. Very sad. That's why so many are killed by irresponsible drivers.
Winter hasn't quite left us yet. We've had nice, Spring weather for all of May until today. Temperature drop of 20 degrees and thunder to accompany the rain. It won't last, though. It should be gone and the 80's back by mid-week.
My BOO HISS for this post goes to the west coast fast food chain, Carl's Jr. They have a commercial out that states that they've included skinny models because, as the commercial states, no one wants to see a fat one. I have phoned in my complaint over this and have stopped patronizing their locales. The older I get, the more important it is that we stand up for what we believe, and I just think that ad is not what should be on the air in these days of self-image.
Link of the day to check out is my shed plans review. It's a good one for the woodworkers, pro or amateur, out there.
Finally, a shout out to Mary Tyler Moore. I just finished watching 5 years worth of superb comedy with her on The Dick Van Dyke Show. I laughed so hard, and I've seen these shows numerous times over the year. Moore just had brain surgery to remove a benign tumor that they've been watching for years. Swift recovery for Moore is my hope!
Gift givers beware! A local news station has discovered that when you buy something and give it to someone with a gift receipt so they can return it, if necessary, that the person doing the return is probably not getting the full amount back; in fact, they are probably only getting half the gift value. This was discovered when a local man returned something he had bought himself and he just took the gift receipt. For a $15 item, they wanted to return just $7.50.
The local station in Northern California then conducted an investigation and also had a sister station in Pennsylvania do the same thing. It's just shocking.
Here is the link to the initial report and here is the link to the follow up where California lawmakers are about to get involved as well as a lawyer who is considering a class action lawsuit against Wal-Mart.
The point is, if you use a gift receipt and you or the person you give it to uses it to return, odds are they are not getting the full value. I suspect, as does the California Majority Leader, that Wal-Mart has made millions with this deceit.
Pass the word along if you are a Wal-Mart gift giver.
I totally forgot to mention how awesome Michael Shanks was in the Canadian show, Endgame, which appears on that country's Showtime network. This was the third episode of the new series, and Shanks was in a good part of it. I don't want to say too much about what happens, but I thought he was awesome and consider it a 'must see' for his fans. Of course, that's harder to do for Americans, but if you can get a hold of a copy of this show, do it. He's absolutely a delight to watch.
By the same token, if you missed Richard Dean Anderson's limited but terrific appearance on USA's Fairly Legal, look for the reruns. RDA is in four of the shows. Now he's only in one scene for two of those and just in two or three in the other two, but he's a joy to watch. I really hope he gets out and does more. His daughter, Wylie, tweeted that he did a History Channel narration on what I'll all a MacGyver-ish type of show that will air on Father's Day, I believe. Gotta love Wylie. I just wonder if she's getting commission. If not, she should be.
Wrapping things up, is the weather just crazy or what? It cannot make up its mind. I heard that Colorado went from short sleeves one day to a near blizzard the next. Now that's an extreme.
It's still Monday, and I decided to speak out on a few more happenings of late. For example, over the last 4 days locally, a massive health clinic was held. It was absolutely free to absolutely everyone. No questions asked. If people needed care, they had vision care, dental care, and medical care, including X-rays and such. It was hugely successful to the point where they had to turn away people every day, and to get in, people stayed in line all night long. Some 1,000 people were helped every day, except for the last day, which had 500 since medical personnel were more limited.
Kudos to the medical professionals who donated their time to help so many who are without insurance in this dangerous economic time.
The Japan disaster continues to worsen as far as the radiation situation from their nuclear reactor. I just have to say again that I wish the younger generation would take to heart just how dangerous nuclear energy is. Older folks remember Three Mile Island and Cherbynol. I've discovered in forums and such that the proponents of going forward with nuclear are those who weren't alive when those two events took place I pray that something positive will come from Japan's situation, that being that younger Americans will say 'no' to the advancement of nuclear energy and say 'yes' to putting our time and money into alternative energies which are safer for all.
Lastly, the new jobs report is out for my area. We're behind the nation still, so there's a long way to go. Some folks are hiring, though, including AT&T. Hope is out there; you just have to look hard for it sometimes.
I continue to be disappointed that America is supporting the ridiculousness of Charlie Sheen. The man is troubled and he needs help, but Americans are so sick that they are making him richer and enabling his unacceptable behavior. I feel sorry for my countrymen. I wish it was just a small portion, but it's not. How sad are we that in order to feel better about our lives we have to contribute to this growing nightmare.
Barack Obama has quietly made it official that he is running for re-election, which really is no surprise. He's done okay, but he's also made some poor choices. I don't think the Brazil trip was well thought out, for example.
Celebrity Apprentice is just insane this time around. I feel sorry in a sense for Gary Busey. He's been a product of that nasty motorcycle accident of his for years. I've known it and seen it for a very long time, but the man is still a good actor and he is a testament to survival. As for Meat Loaf, he needs to return to anger management as he was just out of line. I don't like Richard Hatch, but I didn't want to see him go last night. I wanted to see what he had to offer as the challenges moved forward. As for the women, they are truly insane, except for Marlie Matlin. I do think some of the others are underestimating LaToya Jackson. She's flaky, but she's done a lot of stuff. She'll get her nails dirty, unlike prima dona Star Jones who has gone way past her 15 minutes of fame.
Have a bright and sunny day, and thanks for dropping by Orry's Orations. Don't forget, if you shop at, please use the banners to start off your shopping trip. That really helps me out.
Now this is hot stuff and this might get me to tune in to The Young and the Restless, a soap opera that I've never really liked. I have watched a handful of episodes, most recently when Don Swayze, brother of Patrick Swayze, popped up for a few episodes. However, the news I just read actually excites me, so Y&R, I might just watch you!
Genie Francis, most well known as Laura Webber Baldwin Spencer on General Hospital, is joining Y&R in a brand new role in which she will be teamed with Rogers, who plays Colin, father of Cane. Francis will be Cane's mom, Colin's ex-wife. Wowsa! Let me say again, Wowsa!
The thing is when Rogers first joined GH as sexy Robert Scorpio, there were people then who wondered about the chemistry between Rogers and Francis. It garnered a lot of conversation between fans. Naturally, nothing ever happened as the characters were all well involved with others, but that is exactly what makes this casting, decades later, exciting.
Francis begins in late May sometime. I just may be tuning in.
I love chocolate. Chocolate is yummy. It is a delight, but I've found a cure for my chocolate mania: high prices. The bad news is that it is getting worse.
When I go to the store, I've watched the prices climb to 35¢ and to 45¢ and to 60¢ and then to 75¢. I think some have been at 89¢ for a while. Other bigger sizes have long been over a dollar. The problem is, and yes I'm giving away my age, I remember going to the grocery store and paying a whole nickle for a candy bar. What's more, that bar was bigger than anything sold today.
Now comes the news that Hershey is raising their prices by 10 percent to their wholesalers. That means our price is going up even more.
Sorry, but that makes my favorite everyday chocolate a luxury. As it is, I don't buy a regular bar unless it's on sale. I have never paid more than 50¢ for it, and when I do, I shudder.
Woe is today for today Hershey Chocolate became a luxury I cannot afford.
I just love this. It started last week on the Ghost Hunters show and it continued tonight. Personally, I hope they keep it up every week from now on. In a paranormal TV first, Maddie the dog has joined the TAPS team.
This dog apparently spent the few months preceding her debut being trained in paranormal hunts. It's just fascinating. She is a beautiful dog and fun to watch. Jason and Grant, the TAPS founders, say she's doing great. I just think she gives us something fun to look at when watching the show.
Ghost Hunters was really the first paranormal show that I'm aware of. Many others have followed like Paranormal State, Ghost Adventures, and Paranormal Cops. The first, it seems like the show may actually outlive all of its competitors. Several of these other shows have had good runs, but have ended or are in the processing of shutting down. Only Ghost Hunters is continuing, and with two spin offs even (Ghost Hunters International and Ghost Hunters Academy).
With Maddie along for the fun, this could go on for much longer than anyone could have imagined.
Have you seen this current marketing campaign for Gain Detergent where it uses a non-word, specifically 'gooder'? I am really upset about it because it goes against our education system. They are literally promoting the decay of our youth by putting out, and intentionally yet, a commercial that is improper grammar.
I called Gain customer service and they are getting complaints. They do have a rationale prepared to give, but it's not acceptable in my opinion.
I strongly urge anyone who believes that we need corporate operations to use better sense in and to take responsibility for their advertising. I just know kids will see that ad and the non-word 'gooder' will spread in mis-use.
Please call Gain Customer Service at: 1-800-888-4246. Voice your opinion and let's get this disrespectful ad campaign halted now!
Living green is more than a popular buzz word for the 2000's. It's a way of life that must be adopted in order for our planet to endure and even thrive as time marches on. Perhaps we won't know what the future holds, but certainly our children and their children will.
The problem for some is that living green sounds overwhelming. There are so many tips out there that it can make a person feel like doing their part is impossible, and that's why my number one tip is to simply the process. Most of us can't do everything. We might not have the financial ability to transform our homes to solar power and perhaps we are not physically capable of caulking the doorways and insulating the attic.
However, we can all do something. Recycle plastic bottles, turn off lights when leaving a room, unplug appliances when not in use, purchase environmentally friendly cleaning products, or any of many other green tips.
Take the complex out of living green and just do something that is within your capabilities. Something is progress; something is far more than doing nothing.
Finally, Katie Swee, where the heck are you? I've responded to your posts here and sent you an email, but no response. It was fun to hear from you; hope all is well.
Onward to the next period of light, or darkness, whichever the case may be!
I watched in horror this morning the live pictures of the tsunami ripping through Japan. Not since 9/11 have I seen, live, such devastating pictures. It was witnessing unbelievable destruction. I sat spellbound by it all, my mouth agape at the site. My heart goes out to Japan for their losses.
The tsunami has had a much lesser effect on America. Hawaii has suffered minor damage and now the California coast is awaiting the tsunami. I live in California, and since about 10pm last night, the news has gone on non-stop, commercial-less. The late night news team stayed until 3am and the morning crew came in early. There's been no local news: it's all been the tsunami.
Just now they said that part of the valley is being evacuated as a precaution. Now that's getting too close to home, though no one really expects anything bad.
I just am so saddened and am still in disbelief over those live pictures. Those who watched know what I mean. The water rolled in, houses, cars, boats, debris on fire, all visible. Surely, it carried some of the 300 people that have now been reported dead in that region. What a terrible site to witness.
I had my last Pizza Hut pizza two days ago. I'm upset with the company; specifically, the local franchise that delivers to me. They do not value their customers, so I took advantage of the free pizza coupon they sent me and enjoyed an awesome pizza the other night. Now it's on to find another really good pan pizza. I was going to give Papa John's my business, but they no longer make pan pizzas. What's with that?
Again, my prayers to those affected by this dreadful tsunami. As Crescent City, California awaits the impact, I continue to watch, amazed at the forces at which nature reminds us of our vulnerability.
Is it summer yet? It definitely felt like springtime at least here yesterday and today's forecast is for an even better day. It's my kind of weather right now.
I've been enjoying the DVD release of Laramie, season 1. It's not a perfect release, but I suspect it's the best that we'll get. This is my all time favorite TV series. Robert Fuller starred as Jess Harper, and it was just an exciting and dramatic western TV show. It aired for 4 years and should have gone on for more.
Hint of the day: If you have Win 7, check out the speech recognition program. It is imperfect, but it is fun to use when you want to give your typing fingers a rest. The more you train it, the better it becomes, but it takes patience to do the training.
Have a terrific Wednesday everyone!
The big sports news in Sacramento is all about the basketball team known as the Kings. To be honest I am not sure that I really care. The owners don't care about Sacramento, so we will see.
The dogs are sleeping, happy to be inside the house after being outside in the blustering winds. They just add some treats, which of course makes them even happier.
That's all for today. I am about to toss out two packages of American cheese because it expired today. I had bought a big family size Package for a good price, but I am not a big cheese eater, so there was a lot left over. I put it out on freecycle, but it is late, so I don't know if anyone will respond. I should have noticed sooner, darn it.
Now I'm off to write some fanfic and just relax and maybe watch some television.
We're having a blustery day today, so the dogs are inside. They aren't fond of all that huffing and puffing from the trees on a day like this.
I read that the Garrido monsters have done, for whatever reason, the right thing and confessed about their dastardly deeds as respects Jaycee Lee Dugard. This will mean that there won't be a trial and that Jaycee and her children won't have to endure reliving their nightmares. It is truly time for them to be able to move forward in life.
Right now I'm watching The Twilight Zone set on DVD. I really love the extras but I am highly annoyed that there isn't a 'play all' feature for the actual shows. That is so frustrating. It takes so many steps to even get a show going. It's aggravating.
I am so thrilled. After a very long winning drought, Jeff Gordon, my favorite NASCAR driver, won today's race in Phoenix, Arizona. He had an awesome car. He led the most laps and easily passed Kyle Busch for the win. It was a good race, but I was bummed that Carl Edwards crashed out (courtesy of Kyle, by the way).
The important thing, though, is that Jeff won the race. Way to go, Jeff!
Wow, it's windy outside! Looking out at the patio, things have been blown around quite a bit. It could be a lot worse though so I'm okay with it. I fed the dogs early and let them back inside the house. They have little desire to be outside in this weather.
Just turned on Speed Channel to watch the Gatorade Duels that set the field for the Daytona 500 on Sunday. The thing barely started and Ryan Newman just went for a spin. I imagine we'll see more of that before the day is over. Oh my, looks like Newman's team owner and fellow driver, Tony Stewart, may have spun Newman out. Oops!
I have a really nice and comfy chair in my living room that I like a lot but you know what I really miss? The truth is that it's leather furniture, or more specifically, a nice, comfy leather sofa. In high school, a friend of mine had one and it was just sheer heaven to sink down into that thing and take a nap. Unfortunately, I don't really have room for that kind of sofa, but I do keep dreaming about it.
More later!
I love NASCAR and it's revving to go. The biggest event of the racing season, the Daytona 500, is days away. On the pole will be Dale Earnhardt Jr. Considering this is the 10th year anniversary of his famous father's death, it somehow seems appropriate. On the outside pole will be my favorite, driver of the 24 car, Jeff Gordon. These two are teammates now, so it's a good start for their team.
The equivalent of the Daytona 500 to Formula One racing is probably the Monaco Grand Prix. The difference between the two is that F1 is probably more international in scope than NASCAR is. That's on a broad scale. From the practical, it's the type of vehicles that are used and the tracks raced on that are probably the most obvious differences.
Monaco grand prix hospitality deals with a huge number of visitors for this race which twists and turns its way through Monaco, the last home of America's beloved Grace Kelly. It's a course that is difficult to pass on, but it's a prestigious event that the drivers look forward to.
Regardless which sport you are passionate about, it's definitely time to go racing for 2011.
Wow, 70+ degrees for three days straight. We've been setting 'hot' records right and left, much to the chagrin of those shoveling their cars out from the snow.
Anyone watch The Commish? I just got the set on DVD and one disk is really wacky. I called the manufacturing and they sent me a replacement, and surprised me with the complete set Renegade with Lorenzo Lamas. I've only seen a few of those shows, so that will be new television. I thought it was super nice of them to do that, too.
I really need to clean my kitchen floor. It's vinyl so not all that difficult. It's showing signs of its wear, though. Laminate flooring is curious to me. I wonder how that would be. I just always want whatever is the easiest to clean. That's my #1 buying concern with most anything.
I watched a couple of Michael Shanks movies on TV over the last couple of days. Desperate Escape and Judicial Discretion were both on. He's a bum in both of them. Well, not a bum, but not pure, either.
Onward onto the next!
So this morning I wake up to find a note on my door from my neighbor. It seems some limbs broke off our very tall and old tree and landed in her driveway, just missing her car. Oops! The thing is that we cleared out this tree a lot last year. It's just that it's so tall. I'm not sure what we're going to do. Tree trimming really isn't in my budget right now.
I'd rather think about writing more of my fan fiction, which has been slightly on hold for a week or two as I work to pay off my Black Friday indulgences (that'll be the one and only time I'll ever do that ... well, maybe).
My fan fiction website is pretty basic. I try to keep it decently attractive, but I must admit that I'm not an expert. I think it takes both creativity and patience.
Okay, well now I'm off to get things done (I hope). Smiles, all!
Isn't this a kick? When they came out with the new words and such at the beginning of the year, they also listed 5 words that were used incorrectly. One of these was 'google' as in "I googled it" and "Just google and you'll find what you need."
I have actually laughed at this all year because, yes, I use Google as a verb. I consider it to be like kleenex which was once just a brand name, or Band-Aid, or Q-Tips. These were all brand names that ended up becoming 'one' with the product itself.
In my opinion, the dictionary and word people need to get with the program. Google has expanded. It's a proper name for the business, but it's also a verb, as an action, as in "I google most every day."
Hope everyone is having a great day. The weather has cleared up. I ran a bunch of errands this morning and now am watching The Man from U.N.C.L.E. on DVD.
I just finished watching tonight's episode of Hawaii 5-0, and my favorite part was the tag which had Steve and Danny watching a CHiPs marathon on TV and each of them vying to be Ponch. Erik Estrada must love this episode.
Actually, I think it's neat that they had this kind of show. It's actually very realistic in how it was handled, and it was fun to watch. I still say Scott Caan has stolen the show from Alex O'Loughlin.
Anyone a bingo fan out there? I have to admit that I don't play online at bingo sites, but I've always loved to play bingo. We used to play it at home a lot.
I love games like that -- Monopoly, Scrabble, Go to the Head of the Class. Oh, and Yahtzee. How about Battleship? I used to play that with a neighbor all the time.
My grandparents loved card games like Canasta and other board games like Chinese Checkers. I admit I love that game a lot.
I guess I'm feeling a little nostalgic, but there's nothing wrong with that!
I was going through some things recently and found some old business cards I'd had printed up. You know, I love business cards, even if you don't really have a business. Years ago, a friend and I made some up just as a joke for a friend. I guess that started it. I've made up all kinds of cards in the years since to use for my collecting and groups that I was a part of it. I've used real photographs, pre-printed designs that the printer had available, and even created a few pieces of artwork, primitive as they might be. Those were the days!
I've been watching Stargate SG-1 and having memory flashbacks. ThisTV is airing the 2-part Evolution show. I remember that it was the weekend between the filming of Part 1 and Part 2 that I first met Michael Shanks, who played Daniel Jackson on the series. There was a big deal at this convention over whether or not he was going to come clean shaven or not. He had actually been told not to shave because of the nature of the storyline, but he also knew his fans at the time preferred him clean shaven. That time, he chose us and dealt with the producers when he got back.
That's Michael -- very independent, very stubborn, very much his own person. You just never know what he'll do next. :}
Racing is about to kick off again for NASCAR over at Daytona in Florida. I'm hoping for a good season, but I'm already sick of hearing about Jimmie Johnson, and I actually haven't read a thing about him. I just don't like the guy, and he may be a good driver, but he's a lousy teammate. My goal for 2011 is to ignore him as much as possible when the season begins and focus on the drivers who are both great drivers and great teammates -- Jeff Gordon and Carl Edwards.
Formula 1 will kick off soon enough, too. The Speed Channel is actually going to air their F1 coverage in HD this year. They have all but four of the races as I recall, so there will be a lot of viewing possible.
For me, NASCAR is the more exciting and entertaining of the two circuits. F1 is getting better, but they still have a ways to go in getting the 'race' into their racing.
I just heard the neatest story on the news. A convenience store owner (it's a gas station and convenience store) had a young man come into his store earlier this month. The young man handed over a note that essentially said that as a teenager, he'd robbed from the store practically every day. He said he'd changed now, that he'd become a Christian, and that he felt compelled to do the right thing. So, along with the note, he handed the owner $200 which is what he'd valued his thefts at. The owner was impressed, accepted the money, and wished the young man well. That note now resides on the counter for current teenagers to see, to realize they do have a future and that stealing isn't necessary. Isn't that a great story? Way to go to the young man making good on his past mistakes.
I also heard that the Girl Scouts have new packaging for one of their cookie offerings this year. I'm not sure why they didn't do it for all of them. I don't really think the American public would have rebelled at the new, more eco-style packaging. Rather, I think it's worth applause. Now if only the price were affordable. Unfortunately, cost has made them out of my league now.
The rainy drizzle has stopped, allowing the dogs some time outside, and I'm still watching Here's Lucy and enjoying it, but I decided to come back and ramble some more about today's happenings.
Lately, my browser is crashing a lot and I haven't been able to figure out why. It's really frustrating. One of the things I did to try to eliminate problems was make sure that all of my extensions and plug ins are up to date. All but two were, and I don't think those are responsible. I need to figure this out, though.
While looking around, I came upon Java PDF. I wish I'd found it earlier because my sister has been looking for exactly this kind of information. Better late than never, I suppose. I've been curious about how to make PDFs, too. Maybe now I'll learn.
For those wondering, my hands are a lot better, but there's still some lingering redness, though very light, and the itcy scaliness is still around but nowhere near what it was at its worst. I had no idea it would take so long to get totally over that contact dermatitis. Part of me wonders if I've developed some little something about dust. I just emptied out the dust trap or whatever you call it for the dryer and it feels like my hands have reacted to that a little. Weird.
Until next time, smile!
Its drizzling rain today which is better than when it pours. Still, I actually have gotten a lot done, tossing out some trash, doing some housecleaning, and making calls to people saying 'take me off the mailing lists.' Honestly, there is just too much junk mail out there. The poor trees.
While going through some things, I ended up looking at photos and remembering some fun times in the past. I really feel lucky to have had some treasured experiences -- a couple of great cruises, lots of celebrity events, meeting and sharing time with Patrick Swayze, having some fun at conventions with Michael Shanks, traveling around the USA, and so much more. Having the pictures to look back on is just awesome.
The photo world has changed a lot now, too. These days photo printing is more technological, sharp, and easier in some aspects. Remember all of those 35mm rolls of film? I still have some, but I'm not sure there is any place to get them developed anymore. Everything is digital now it seems.
Off I go to watch more of Here's Lucy, a show I haven't seen in years now. I'm really enjoying it, though.
It's been an interesting news day in California, and it began with Governor Jerry Brown signing the order to take away roughly 48,000 cell phones from state employees. He even turned in his own phone. I love this. I'm all for it, and the move to reduce the driver's pool. It's time the state government learned how to operate like the rest of us. I suspect that all of their car use isn't necessary, not in this age of videoconferencing and other technology.
Go Jerry!
Then there was the report about the smart meter issue. It really didn't conclude anything, though. Requested by a couple of politicians in response to complaints, the report said there wasn't a correlation between the meters and health issues reported by homeowners. At the same time, it said more study was necessary.
Now that was waste of energy, in more ways than one.
And Michael Douglas says his tumor is gone. I'm not a fan per se, but for anyone, this is good news. I also hope that he moves forward in becoming a better father to his son, who really needs a dad who is present in his life.
Congratulations, Michael.
It's the wee hours and I couldn't sleep so I got up to surf around on the computer while watching some classic shows on DVD. Right now I have Branded on. That was the 2 year military western series that starred Chuck Connors. It's pretty good.
Part of my surfing earlier was for office supplies and equipment. I was just looking to see what was out there, for things like file folders, notebooks, and checks. It's the kind of thing you have to stay on top of to make sure you don't run out.
I love getting customized personal checks, too. I have had all kinds during my life. I had ones with Patrick Swayze on them for a time. Those made for great conversation pieces. Of course, there have been some scenic checks and dog ones, too. It just gives paying the bills some pizzazz.
A few other odds and ins: the dogs are getting used to their new outdoor automatic water filler, and that's making me happy big time. I saw two fun episodes of Stargate SG-1 tonight. I really do miss that show when it was at its best. Finally, it's still cold as can be -- low 40's during the day. Brrrr!
I am so glad that I don't live in the snow trodden areas of the country. I can't imagine what that would be like. It's cold enough here where it's low 50's during the the day and in the 30's at night. The good news is that this cold won't last long.
I'm watching an old western on DVD right now. It's called The Restless Gun. I've only just seen one episode until now. John Payne is the star. He's probably best known as the lawyer and romantic lead for Maureen O'Hara in Miracle on 34th Street. I haven't seen enough yet to see if I like it.
What I do like are automatic water feeders. Why didn't I try these out before? What a convenient item to have. I acquired one for the dogs for inside the house over the holidays and that has been so terrific that I just got them one for outside. They are still getting used to that one, but they are using it. This makes me a happy camper.
Speaking of happy campers, it's been fun to see some of the vintage year episodes of Stargate SG-1 on the SyFy again. I saw Enemy Mine the other day and just roared when Jack told Daniel to go to his happy place.
Have a great day!