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On Tuesday, October 18, the wonderful Patrick Swayze was immortalized in wax at the famous Madame Tussauds in Hollywood, California. I'd love to see it in person because the likeness is incredible. He'd be impressed, just as his widow, Lisa Niemi Swayze, is with the recreation. The image is taken from the Dirty Dancing scene in which Swayze's Johnny Castle character balances across that narrow log.

This site has three terrific videos on the event and I recommend watching all three.
Where I live, there is an Occupy movement. What bothered me about them initially is that they didn't seem to have a focus. When interviewed by local media, most people couldn't even express why they were protesting.
Still, the very foundation of America is protest. Englishmen protested excessive taxation and overseeing by a faraway government. Hence, 1776 and all that has followed.
Part of me is all for it. Corporations do have too much control. It's too much about greed, and the banking industry is a perfect example of that.
I also believe we have more power than we think. The problem is that we don't want to sacrifice. Seriously, if everyone withdrew their accounts from Bank of America and Chase, for example, those fees would stop. They'd get the message, but the reality is, not enough of us are willing to do so, for one reason or another.
What bothers me now in my city is that in these troubled financial times where the D.A. has already gone on record and said that they couldn't afford to prosecute all the crimes anymore, they are making arrests for people who refuse to leave the park where the Occupy protesters are assembling.
Now, I don't have a problem really with the arrests for after hours, but the thousands and thousands of dollars to prosecute these people just is not warranted. Keep the park safe: I'm for that, but when we don't have the manpower to keep homes safe from intruders and prostitutes are working without having to worry about being arrested, something is wrong.
The city needs to back off. Do their job in keeping that park and the surrounding area safe, but don't go overboard. Oakland went overboard last night and it almost turned into a riot. People were injured and who knows how many of thousands of dollars were spent.
This is the problem with government. Protect us, but don't do it for the sake of showing us your there.
It's a waste of money at a time when there is no money to be wasted. Worse here, after the D.A. announced here they would not be prosecuting those arrested, some overzealous, power hungry, publicity seeking city manager said they would overrule the D.A. and prosecute. Since all of these people have said they want jury trials if prosecuted, the dollars are already beyond wasteful, it's insane.
Someone needs to do something.
Common sense needs to prevail.
Here's hoping the Occupy protests help us all to realize the power we have and the peaceful ways we can affect change.
I'm a huge NASCAR fan, and one of the things I am so glad about is how they've changed the stock cars and race tracks since the death of Dale Earnhardt Sr. in 2001. Wrecks occur far less often than ever now, and when they do, it is amazing at how these drivers just walk away, mostly unscathed by it all.
I watch Formula One and Indy Car much less frequently, mainly because the F1 races are unexciting and Indy Car just hasn't caught my fancy as much. One thing I don't like about either open wheel series, though, is the tremendous danger the drivers face. These cars just fall apart when in a wreck. There's no protection for the driver.
We saw that again today, just a couple of hours ago, when on the 12th lap of the last Indy Car race of the season, driver Dan Wheldon was killed in front of our eyes. In a wreck that devoured some 15 cars, his was one of at least two that went flying through the air and into the catch-can fence. The cockpit was the part of the car that hit that fence.
The race was canceled, and the remaining 19 drivers just did a 5 lap salute to their friend and competitor. In a race that was to decide the season champion, focus on the final Indy Car race of Danica Patrick who is switching to NASCAR full time in 2012, and also celebrate the potential of Wheldon winning $5 million as well as one million for a fan, it all ended tragically with a reminder that racing is deathly serious and dangerous.
It's a sad day and racing fans join family and friends to mourn the loss of Dan Wheldon.
The checkered flag is out.
After being gone for several months, Amazon is back for those of us in California. So, I am happy to say that if you would like to support me that if you click on the banner on the top right of this page and place an order at Amazon, it will definitely help me out!
Thanks for reading!