The way these sites work is that they present offers. You simply click on the offers and go through them, looking at a bit of sponsor advertising, selecting anything you might want and skipping over the rest. You get paid 'x' amount per offer. Some offers are simply PTC, or paid to click. There are sign up sites for newsletters and other GPT sites. You can purchase at some of your favorite places and get cash back. You can do trials and get paid for it, via the milkshakes that convert to cash. There really are all kinds of offers to be checked out and potentially earned.
GPTcashcow has a great admin, otherwise known as Reagan, the site owner. She's very accessible. There's also a super forum that is growing. People are eager to help newcomers by answering questions and giving their experience. They also just chat about all kinds of things. Right now, aside from specific offers, there have been discussions ranging from NASCAR to American Idol. There are also lots of contests and chances for extra cash by participating with them. On Friday the 13th, Reagan held a trivia contest that several of us took part in. She gave out $200 that night! She's planning much more, so the forum is not only fun, but profitable.
At the Cow, as we lovingly call it, the offers you complete earn you cash and milkshakes, the milkshakes converting to cash at checkout. Right now, that's done at the end of the month.
One way to increase your earnings is to get referrals who are active. It really doesn't do anyone any good to just sign up, but if you sign up and do some offers, it's great. The person doing the offers gets their money and milkshakes, and the person who referred them gets a percentage, too. The more referrals you have, the better the percentage.
Please give the Cow a chance! I'm eager to build up my referral base, and this site is one I'm a big believer in. I haven't gotten that first check yet, but I actually just won a fifteen-day contest there, and Reagan is in the process of sending me a $50 money order. I should have that next week, and I will post here when I receive it.
So -- you can earn some cash at Cashcow and also have some fun with trivia, games, and just meeting and chatting with the folks in the forum! It's made this much more enjoyable to me, and I believe it will for you, too!
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